Masheal Alghamdi

PhD Student, KAUST Visual Computing Center

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Bldg. 1, 2202-WS10, Thuwal, 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia.
masheal.alghamdi [at]

Degrees History:

Professional Profile:

Research Interests: Computational Photography, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, and Robotics SLAM and Vision-SLAM.

Additional details:, Google Scholar


M. Alghamdi, Q. Fu, A. Thabet, W. Heidrich:
Reconfigurable Snapshot HDR Imaging Using Coded Masks and Inception Network
International Symposium on Vision, Modeling and Visualization, 2019
Project page

KAUST Affiliations:

  • Visual Computing Center (VCC)
  • Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences (CEMSE)